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The Queen’s Desert

During our creative session with sisters Evija (8 years old), Adele (6 years old) and their cousin Gabrielis (5 years old), I showed the children many different drawing and painting games. When my game ideas ran out, the kids continued to experiment with art materials on their own.

Evija played with thread and paint. She drew an elephant in this drawing. Gabrielis was also involved in our drawing games. He drew a snake meant to live in Adele’s desert.

Evija - "Elephant"
Gabrielis – “The Snake"

Adele worked for a long time
to create a desert landscape. We decided that, in a fairy
tale, she would be the queen of the desert with a dark blue

When it came to acting, the kids came up with the full story.  

Evija was a girl crossing the desert who became very weak due to thirst. Queen Adele saw the exhausted girl in her crystal ball and sent her servant Gabrielis The Elephant to bring the girl. And when the elephant brought her, the queen gave the girl water to drink.

Work sketches

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