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The Lighthouse as a House of the Witch

During our creative session with our sisters Eva, age 8, and Adele, age 6, one of the games was with paint: paint something in 10 seconds, then exchange drawings and finish them anyway you like.

I started the first one, and Adele finished it. We decided that there was a lighthouse in the storm, which is also a witch’s house.

The second drawing was started by Evija, and I put on a black hat – this is a witch.

The last drawing was “Storm clouds”. This drawing was started by Adele and completed by Evija.

Me and Adele - "Lighthouse/Witch's House"
Adele and Evija - "Storm Clouds"; Evija and I - "The Witch with a Hat"

The children came up with the following fairy tale for these drawings:

At first, Evija said that she would be in a pot where the witch would almost cook her. But when it came to allocating the roles, Adele was a girl who, due to the storm, came to knock on the lighthouse house. Gabrielis was a cat who was locked in a cage in the witch’s house. The witch (played by Evija) put the girl in a pot, but when she went off, the cat escaped from the cage and toppled the pot. The witch began to chase them, but eventually, the cat found a magical amulet, broke the curse and the witch turned into a good girl.

When it came to creating the composition, I changed the scenario that both sisters would come to the witch’s house and both would get into the pot.

Work sketches

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