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Preparation and Idea Generation for a Painting ‘Doroteja and Angry Fish’

In the first post, I briefly described my creative session with children Doroteja (8) and Domas (5). Later, I used the drawings by children, their stories and photographs to create 10 different ideas for a Neverland Portrait. Out of these ideas, the family chose their favourite – Doroteja and Angry Fish. The video below briefly shows the whole story of how this idea came about.

In this and future posts, I will talk about the further development of this idea and its various painterly versions. 

At the beginning of this creative phase, I worked on small format sheets (A5-A4) with watercoulor paint to quickly create as many painting ideas as possible. I created nine of them at the time.

9 sketches

(I’ll tell you more about each of these ideas in future posts.)

I practiced separately both how different textures are obtained by using watercolours (after all, fish are usually associated with the element of water) as well as stamping with bubble wrap (because one of my past paintings, which was made with this technique, was very reminiscent of corals).

collage of three watercolour sketches

At this stage, I also had to learn how to draw a regular oval. I discovered four ways online, but only one met my preferences. (Read more about my experience with oval drawings and large compasses in the next post here). 

collage of oval's study

I also had to practice drawing Doroteja herself, the proportions of her face and body.

two sketches of a girl
four sketches of a girl

Here I prepared the painting colours to match the colours Doroteja used to paint her original sketch of a fish.

Abstract scribble where one can see an angry fish with big lips
Colour swatches

In this post, I have shown my work sketches that I needed for further development of this project. In the coming posts, you’ll be able to see how this helped to create six painting versions of this idea.

workplace of the artist

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