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Lion and Two Swans

During our creative session, I showed Sisters Evija (8 years old) and Adele (5 years old) a popular game with paint and thread: soak a piece of wool thread in paint, place it on paper, then fold the paper like a book and pull out the thread while squeezing the sheets together. From such relatively accidental marks, we guess what the drawings are reminiscent of. I got a green lion.

My work - "Green Lion"

Evija said that for her it turned out to be two blue mountains with a river in between them. Adele saw in her drawing two dead swans and two little people on the red sand.

Evija - “Red River Between Two Blue Mountains”
Adele - "Two Dead Swans and Two Little People on the Red Sand"

The girls came up with a tale that Evija was riding a green lion up the mountain or across the bridge between the two mountains, while Adele with Gabrielis were two little people who saw two dead swans on the sand.

Work sketches

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