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Fox and Wolf in The Bushes

During our creative session, together with sisters Evija (8-years-old) and Adele (6-years-old) we had a go at drawing with coal.

Adele drew bushes.

1. Adele - "Bushes"

And Evija made a drawing of a fire that would be in the bushes (like a bonfire).

2. Evija - "Fire"

I drew an evil spirit that makes sisters quarrel. At the beginning of the session, I told the girls that people like fairy tales because the characters in them are experiencing various hardships and challenges, just as we do in real life. I asked them what hardships they are facing in their daily lives. Both girls replied, “My sister annoys me.” That is why I drew an evil spirit that makes the sisters quarrel.

3. Me - "Evil Spirit"

With these drawings, the girls came up with the idea that Evija would be a fox while Adele would be a wolf. The two would meet by the bonfire and the evil spirit would make them hostile to each other. Gabrielis (their cousin) played the fire during acting. Since every fairy tale has a happy ending, the fire has disenchanted the fox and the wolf. Then everyone became friends.

4. This photo, when everyone was near the ground, inspired me to make an elongated composition.

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