You are currently viewing Doroteja and Angry Fish – From Inspiration to Final Neverland Portrait Painting

Doroteja and Angry Fish – From Inspiration to Final Neverland Portrait Painting

In the first post, I briefly described my creative session with children Doroteja (8) and Domas (5). Later, I used the drawings by children, their stories and photographs to create 10 different ideas for a Neverland Portrait. Out of these ideas, the family chose their favourite – Doroteja and Angry FishLater, I created 6 painting versions for this drawing. After the presentation, the family chose their favourite version – Doroteja and Angry Fish in a Fishbowl. Since it was a complex composition, I painted a second improved version of this idea. Once the family decided about their favourite details between the two versions, I executed the final painting with oil paint on handmade canvas. 

Watch the video bellow to see the journey from start to finish.

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