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Doroteja and Angry Fish

In the previous post, I briefly described my creative session with children Doroteja (7) and Domas (5). In this and future posts, I will tell you how the drawings by these children, their interpretations and photographs inspired me to create a variety of ideas for a Neverland Portrait.

When Doroteja shared with me that her brother annoys her when he gets angry, I told her a short tale about an angry spirit from a bottle and encouraged her to draw how that spirit might look like. (You can read the fairy tale here.) These were her first sketches:

Piešinys: mėlynų atspalvių vėjo sūkuriai kylantys iš butelio
Piešinys: sūkuriai iš trijų mėlynų atspalvių.

The first drawing is reminiscent of a powerful whirlwind exploding from a bottle.

The second drawing was not so clear, so I asked Doroteja what it reminded her of. I knew she didn‘t have any clear intentions before drawing because I encouraged her to draw what is invisible using abstractions. However, what each of us will see in an abstract drawing is a reflection of our thinking, memories and values. So when I raised up the sketch in the air for both of us to take a better look at it, we both saw an angry fish with big lips.

Abstract scribble where one can see an angry fish with big lips

(That‘s natural since children often feel close to animals. And so do I. That‘s partially why I decided to work with children and fairy tales.)

I said to Doroteja that this fish looks like it swims through water swirls or maybe even flies between clouds and windwhirls.

Then I asked her:

”What would you do if you would meet such an angry fish in a fairy tale?”

To which she replied:

”I would put a leash on it, hop on its back and fly. Then we would fly to the water and I would throw it there since it‘s so angry.”

I don’t know how about you, but I was in a joyful surprise after such an answer. Firstly, I was amazed how easily she came up with such an original narrative. Secondly, how she sees herself: confident, courageous, using life’s challenges to her advantage and at the same time not thinking about destroying anything along the way. In my eyes, such a girl is happy and I am very happy for her.

Later, when we finished drawing and went outside to play and take photographs, Doroteja brought a dog on a leash from her neighbours. This way I understood why Doroteja thought of putting a leash on the angry fish. These are associations derived from memories of personal life. Doroteja may have wondered, ”How can I curb such a dangerous monster? How about to harness it with a leash like I do our neighbour’s dog.”

At that moment, I felt as if I had deciphered Doroteja’s dream, which I can now turn into a great portrait idea.

Septynių metų mergaitė su šuniuku už pavadėlio prie vandens telkinio.

Precisely this amazing story led me to draw the first idea for a portrait. I placed the composition in an oval frame (which I had already discovered while studying at university) because it further accentuates the impression as if you were looking at the world of magic through a keyhole or as if you were watching it in a dream.

To see how I develop other ideas for a Neverland Portrait, you can follow me on social media or subscribe to my newsletter.


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