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Children’s Creative TV

During our creative session with sisters Evija ( 8-year-old ) and Adele ( 6-year-old ), one of the tasks was to draw something in 15 seconds, then exchange the drawings and finish them. Adele had begun this drawing with a pink felt-tip pen, unable to finish it, but Evija immediately saw a bunny in it.

Meanwhile, Evija began this drawing with a pencil. Of course, she couldn’t finish it in time either, and Adele had a hard time guessing what it might be. She drew the stand and the table and said it was a projector. (Evija planned to draw a ribbon.)

When I suggested creating a fairy tale with these drawings. Adele said that she would be a bunny, and Evija would watch a TV, where she would watch a person watching TV, and on that TV another person watching TV, and so on, and so on…

During the performance, the girls' cousin Gabrielis (5) had fun playing the TV himself.

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