You are currently viewing Anger as Electric Current – Doroteja and Angry Dog

Anger as Electric Current – Doroteja and Angry Dog

In the first post, I briefly described my creative session with children Doroteja (8) and Domas (5). In this and future posts, I will tell you how the drawings by these children, their interpretations and photographs inspired me to create a variety of ideas for a Neverland Portrait.

In this post, I will talk about another idea of Neverland Portrait that is very similar to the one I described in my previous blog post. If you, Dear Reader, have not yet read the previous post, I will tell you the full story of this idea below. If you have read the previous post, you can skip two paragraphs.

During our creative session, Doroteja told me about her brother’s anger. And later, without Domas knowing anything about it, he scribbled the whole piece of paper with a red colour so energetically and expressively that it seemed to me like a real metaphorical expression of his anger on paper. And then Doroteja decided to give that anger a face.

Scribble in red and black that looks like an angry monster's face
Scribble of a monster

 The second significant story is that when Doroteja told me about her brother’s anger, I told her a fairy tale about an evil spirit. Inspired by that tale, Doroteja accidentally managed to draw an angry fish, which, she told me, she would harness on a leash if she met such a creature in a fairy tale. All of which leads to the conclusion that Doroteja would like to curb her brother’s anger with a leash – just as she harnesses her neighbours’ dog.

Photo of an 8-year-old girl and a dog on a leash
Drawing of a girl and a monster
Initial idea sketch

(When we took the photos, Doroteja knew that the photos were meant to create fantastic paintings. I was very happy that the girl sometimes acted in such a way that a cute neighbours’ dog could be a dangerous beast in the world of imagination. It’s great that Doroteja isn’t afraid of such adventures, even if it’s just a fairy tale.)

I know from experience that when we are annoyed by angry people, at that moment we are really trying to curb our anger towards them. Therefore, I wanted to try to convey in colours and lines how Doroteja metaphorically fights with her inner anger.

I used the colours which Doroteja and Domas had chosen themselves. When I drew this Neverland Portrait idea , looking at the sketch, it seemed that this anger permeated both Doroteja’s and dog’s bodies like electricity. It also seems to happen in life – we feel anger that permeates the whole body.

To see how I develop other ideas as Neverland Portraits, you can follow me on social media or subscribe to my newsletter.


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