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A Tale “About Letter, Whirlwind, and Snake”

During our creative session, sisters Evija ( 8-year-old ) and Adele ( 5-year-old ) as well as myself drew scribbles in 15 seconds, which we then had to exchange and finish in some way.

1. Evija and I , "Letter"

I started the first drawing. Then Evija finished it. The girl said it was a letter.

The second drawing was started by Evija and finished by Adele. It is a whirlwind of fire and water.

Adele started the last one and I finished it. It’s a snake.

Evija and Adele, The Whirlwind
Adele and I, "The Snake"

Then the girls created a fairy tale in which Evija sent a letter with a whirlwind, and a whirlwind brought it to the snake. Gabrielis (cousin of the sisters) played a whirlwind during acting.

2. Work sketch: how to convey a girl Adele as a snake.

Such would be the illustrations of this story. From this point onwards, I began to create compositions in pairs, because we had talked to the sister’s mum that each girl wanted to have a separate paintings.

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