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“About a Bear, a Bunny and Her Child” – a Tale by Sisters Evija and Adele

During our creative session with two sisters (and later their cousin also joined us), the first task was to draw your favorite toy or thing. Evija (aged 8) painted teddy bears, and Adele (aged 6) – bunnies.

1. Evija, "Bear"
2. Adele, "Bunnies"

Usually, I do not suggest children to create an imaginary story for the first drawing. It’s just a task for the kids to start doing something (while I pull out all the art supplies) and to relax to get their creativity rolling. After all, it’s not easy to create fantastical stories. Well, not for Evija and Adele. They were exceptionally creative.

When we started acting out all the fairy tales, the girls wanted to come up with a story for these drawings as well. The sisters also included their cousin Gabrielius (aged 5) in the act. So, their story was as follows:

Evija was a bear, and Adele with Gabrielius were two bunnies. Gabrielius was Adele’s child. Everyone met, got to know each other, decided to go to a party, when suddenly an angry spirit forced friends to quarrel. The spirit blew off the bear’s hat, and the bear accused the bunnies of dropping it. However, because every fairy tale has a happy ending, after seeing the evil spirit and realizing its mischief, all friends reconciled.

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